
Saturday, July 28, 2012

How to make bobbins

If you don´t have the opportunity to buy bobbins you can make them yourself at home.
I used to create these homemade bobbins out of old, unused markers and pencils.Cut off both ends of the pencil, apply glue to a long, thin strip of paper and tightly wrap it around one end of the pencil, for the other end you wrap about a third of the pencil using either wider strips of paper, or string.Coat the paper/string in glue and let it dry for a day or two, so they harden.

You can read a post HERE about how to make a bobbin lace pillow.


  1. I'm glad to found this tutorial. Thanks a lot.I'll follow everything u said.

  2. Thank you Christopher. I am glad you like it :) :)
