
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dedorated eggs - Kraslice in blue

Yeah, in blue with a little bit of red.
These eggs inspired me
and i decided them to make in the shadow of blue color.

I know it's early to write about Easter when Christmas is knocking in the door.
So.. here is an inspiration for you for a Christmas. Santa made from pine cone :)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter to You

Finally  Easter is here though the weather outside is like in winter time.
Today I´ll  not decorate Easter eggs. I'm going to bake a good cake.
(The photo and recipe later :)  )
 In future I promise you more tutorials of  making Easter eggs.
 It would be nice to let  me know exactly what  method or technique
you are interested in.

Nice Easter again..
Cheers :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Eggs eggs eggs

Easter eggs decorated with straw

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Egg decorated with wire lace

These eggs are my masterpieces. Making of a piece takes several hours. For the creation of these eggs I used a copper wire of different thicknesses and colors.

A have a question for you:

What do you think? Are you interested in online course of decorated eggs?

You can reflect in comments bellow. :)
Thanks :)